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Oxidation Numbers and Redox Reactions

  • Rules for Assigning Oxidation Numbers

1). Oxidation state of Free elements is  0 e.g. Li, H2, C etc

2). Oxidation state monatomic ion is the charge Na+ = +1, Mg2+ = +2, etc

3). Oxidation state of O is -2 in all its compounds exceptions:
a.  peroxides e.g. Na2O2; Na-O-O-Na; H2O2; H-O-O-H  where Oxygens ox. # = -1
b. superoxides e.g. KO2 where ox. # = -1/2

4). H is +1 in all its compounds exceptions metal hydrides then = -1 e.g. NaH or MgH2

5). F is - 1 in all its compounds except in elemental form then ox. # is 0..

6). Alkali metals are always +1; Alkaline Earths are always +2.

7). Sum of oxidation states is zero for neutral compounds, and equal to the overall charge for polyatomic ions.


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What is the oxidation number for Pb in PbO2 ?+4
What is the oxidation number for Cl in HClO3 ?+5
What is the oxidation number for Cl in ClO2 ?+4
What is the oxidation number for H in H2 ?0
What is the oxidation number for F in FeS ?+2
What is the oxidation number for C in C60 ?0
What is the oxidation number for Sn in Sn2+ ?+2
What is the oxidation number for S in SO22- ?+2
What is the oxidation number for Mg in MgO ?+2
What is the oxidation number for S in S2O82- ?+7
What is the oxidation number for Fe in Fe(OH)3 ?+3
What is the oxidation number for Cl in ClO2- ?+3
What is the oxidation number for C in CO2 ?+4
What is the oxidation number for Ag in AgCl ?+1
What is the oxidation number for Ga in GaN ?+3
What is the oxidation number for Al in Al2O3 ?+3
What is the oxidation number for P in H3PO3 ?+3
What is the oxidation number for C in CF4 ?+4
What is the oxidation number for P in P2O5 ?+5
What is the oxidation number for O in H2O ?-2
What is the oxidation number for F in FeS ?+2
What is the oxidation number for As in AsO2- ?+3
What is the oxidation number for Mn in MnO4- ?+7
What is the oxidation number for Sb in Sb2O5 ?+5
What is the oxidation number for Fe in Mg3(FeCl6)2 ?+3
What is the oxidation number for Hg in HgO ?+2
What is the oxidation number for O in H2O2 ?-1
What is the oxidation number for C in CN- ?+2
What is the oxidation number for Cl in ClO4- ?+7

Oxidation- the loss of electrons. Look for the oxidation number increasing.  LEO lose electrons oxidation

Reduction- gain of electrons. Look for the oxidation number decreasing.     GER gain electrons reduction


Oxidizing Agents are Reactants that cause oxidation by being reduced (losing electrons; ox. # decreases).

Reducing Agents are Reactants that cause reduction by being oxidized (gaining electrons; ox. # increases).

In the above example Cu2+ is the Oxidizing Agent.

In the above example Mg is the Reducing Agents.

Classsify the following as reducing agents or oxidizing agents

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Cl2+    2Fe2+--> 2Cl-+     2Fe3+
OARA ReactantsONLY
Cu+   2Ag+


Cu2++2 Ag
RAOA ReactantsONLY

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