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Percent Water in a Hydrate


(Molar Mass, Molecular Weight, Gram Formula Mass)

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Reading Compounds that have water attached (hydrates) 

                     The represents CuSO4 that has 5 waters attached.

CuSO4• 5H2O   

Cu   1   x   63.55   =  63.55Add them up  Molecular Weight=249.694g/mol  

rounds to 249.7g/mol

water = 5 x 18g/mol


S    1   x   32.07   =  32.07
H     10    x   1.00794  =  10.0794
O     9    x   15.9994  = 143.9946

5 x 18

    x 100%

= 36.0%



          CaCl2 • 2H2O

Ca    1   x   40.078   =  40.078Add them up  Molecular Weight=147.00856g/mol  

rounds to 147.0g/mol

water = 2 x 18g/mol

Cl     2   x   35.453   =  70.906
H     4    x   1.00794  = 4.03176
O     2    x   15.9994  = 31.9988

2 x 18

    x 100%

= 24.5%




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